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> Household products and odds and ends, Odd Job
post Apr 17 2004, 07:06 AM [ Post #1 ]

Christopher Paige

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Odd Job is a close out store in NYC. Webbers is a close out store also, there are the 99 cents stores and some other close out stores, but Odd Job is my favorite close out store.

At one time I was so into Odd Job, that I went to several different stores a day to find stuff. In fact, the only reason I stopped going to Odd Job stores was because the Mandinka security guards at them started following me around.

At one Odd Job Store, this Puerto Rican dip *hit followed me around the store and I am relatively sure he didn't think that I was going to steal anything. It seems to me that these security guard assholes follow me around because they seem to feel that it makes them better than me, like how much can these reject ***ks be making as security guards at a close-out store? And the thing about Odd Job was these security guards tried to pretend that they were shoppers. If you went to Odd Jobs on a regular basis, you saw the same Ugly Black guy and Dip *hit Puerto Rican in the store all the time pretending to be shoppers.

Right now, there are only about Two Odd Jobs that I can go to without being followed around the store.

The thing about Odd Job though is that you HAVE to go regularly because you don't know what might be in them. Odd Job is the perfect place to buy household items/electronics/certain food items cheap. In fact, for a time, it looked like the local store in my neighborhood was buying stuff at Odd Job and then reselling it at a higher price.

I was in Webbers some years ago and I saw these Shrimp Scampy Sauce bottles with Frank Sinatra on the cover. Webbers was selling Frank Sinatra Shrimp Scampy Sauce. I think I bought about four bottles of this Frank Sinatra Shriimp Scampy Sauce for $.79 a bottle and they sat in my apartment for a year or two until one day I looked at the expiration dates on them and threw them away. Well, not long after I threw my four bottles of Frank Sinatra Shrimp Scampy Sauce in the trash, Frank Sinatra died and I heard these bottles were being sold for $400.00 and up each.

Buying binges that I have been on at Odd Jobs include:

1. small handheld sewing machines, I think I have about 6 - 10 of these things around and I throw clothes away rather than repair them

2. This supervisor of a WP Center (who I actually liked) told me once that a shirt I was wearing looked wrinkled, so I bought about 3 or 4 clothing steamers to steam iron my shirts. I never iron shirts. I use the shirt that this lady commented on as a cleaning rag rather than iron it.

3. Indoor grills, I can't even begin to count the number of indoor grills I have in my aparment. I really don't even know where they are, I keep running into parts of them all over the place. But I think I might have about 3 or 4 heated rock indoor grills (you heat this cooking stone in a microwave and then use the hot stone to cook food); I have about 3 or 4 small plate size indoor grills; and after I had bought all of these little grills at Odd Job, I went to Macy's one day and bought an expensive Delounghi indoor grill.

4. Drawing pads. I have thousands of drawing pads in my apartment all over the place. Most of them are wrapped in plastic bags and have never been used. I read this book on how to study using your Right Brain and the technique involves drawing these "mind maps" on the subject you are studying. So, the drawing pads are for me to do my "mind maps" on.

5. Mechanical pens. I have thousands of mechancial pencils. Several of the Tablet PCs that I bought use a non functional pencil that is rather expensive. Instead of paying like $25.00 for a stick to use with a Tablet PC, I bought mechanical pencils which work just as well (they even fit into the slot on the Tablet PCs for the real pen).

6. Computer Keyboards and mice. I have a lot of computers, so I do actually need a lot of keyboards and mice, but not nearly as many as I do have. I am always breaking keyboards which could probably be fixed, but I don't fix them, I just throw them into a box. My favorite little keyboard was a Flintstone keyboard that was really silly looking. One day while doing something rather technical at home for some company (I am an engineer), I wondered what they would have thought if they could have seen me doing their job on a Flintsone keyboard.

7. At one time I had about 4 to 6 Rotisserie machines. I saw these Show Time Rotisserie commericals on tv and then latter I saw some rotisserie machines at Odd Job. I think I pay $20.00 for two of the machines that I have and $35.00 for the others. I bought so many because I was going to send some home to my parents and grandparents, but I never sent them. Everytime I go to a fast food chicken place and pay like $3.50 for two pieces of chicken, I think about how I could have bought a whole chicken for that prices and cooked it in one of my Rotisserie machines.
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post Jun 14 2004, 05:09 AM [ Post #2 ]

Christopher Paige

Group: Admin
Posts: 2362
Joined: 20-February 03
Member No.: 2

Why I have Four Printers

I have an old HP Color DeskJet printer that I was using as my main printer.

I bought this ink injection thing at Odd Job, so I was able to keep re-using the same cartridges over and over until one day one cartridge just wore out. I looked around at the time for a new set of cartridges for the HP Color DeskJet and I think the cost was about $45.00 or so.

Well, at the time, there were Cannon Color Bubble Jet printers on sale at Odd Job for $30.00 each, so I bought two Cannon Color Bubble Jet Printers instead of replacement ink cartridges.

The fourth printer I have appears to be a new never used HP Color DeskJet printer that I found in a trash bin when I as walking around mid-town (along with about 5 new never used boxes of the ACT database; not sure what I'll do with those).
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post Jan 20 2006, 12:02 PM [ Post #3 ]


Hi Christopher,
I just found your posts about odd job in New York City and I read some of your other posts also. I am originally from New York city but I live in Mich now, and I'm planning a get-acquainted trip to New York City this summer. I also sell stuff on ebay so I will definitely be checking out Odd Job and Webbers. I really like your interesting perspectives that you use in your postings and would like to read more. Do you have any other posts on the internet anywhere else.....and are you a temp in New York City. I am interested to work as a temp in New York City, do you have any suggestions. You can reply by email me direct at dial1free@yahoo.com. Thanks

carol tongue.gif laugh.gif wink.gif
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post Jan 22 2006, 04:00 AM [ Post #4 ]


The Odd Job and Webber stores all closed in New York City
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