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> Summer University Housing in the Spot Light
post Jun 16 2004, 04:22 PM [ Post #1 ]

Christopher Paige

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Posts: 2362
Joined: 20-February 03
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Barnard College
West 117th Street and Broadway, Manhattan (Upper West Side)
Co-ed housing. Doubles and singles from May 27-August 4 for $130-$196 per week.

Columbia University
West 116th Street and Broadway, Manhattan (Upper West Side)
Singles and doubles (by request only) in suites from June 2-August 10 for $2250 (single) or $1700 (double).

Fashion Institute of Technology
West 27th Street and 7th Avenue
(212) 217-5885

International House
500 Riverside Drive, near Columbia University
(212) 316-8436
Dorm-style, co-ed housing for students from around the world. Rooms from $580-$740 per month.

Long Island University - Downtown Brooklyn campus
(718) 488-1046

Manhattan College - Riverdale
500 per person per month to share a 2-bedroom suite. Contact: George Kuzma, gkuzma@manhattan.edu; 718-862-7942 (fax)

New York University
Washington Square area, Manhattan
Singles, doubles, and triples from May 26-August 10 for $120-$275 per week.

Union Theological Seminary
3041 Broadway (at 120th Street)
(212) 662-7100, ext. 1301

Educational Housing Services
St. George Residence, 100 Henry Street at Clark Street, Brooklyn Heights
Tillary Lofts Residence, 200 Tillary Street, Downtown Brooklyn
(800) 297-4694
Rooms in 2-3 person suites from June 3–August 19 for $2200-$2500
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post Jun 16 2004, 04:27 PM [ Post #2 ]

Christopher Paige

Group: Admin
Posts: 2362
Joined: 20-February 03
Member No.: 2


El Carmelo Residence
249 West 14th Street
(212) 242-8224
Women only, between ages of 18-30. Double rooms for $160 per week, with a minimum of 3 weeks and maximum of 13 weeks.

De Hirsch Residence
1395 Lexington Avenue at 92nd Street
(212) 415-5650 or (800) 858-4692
Singles for $1045 per month, doubles for $725-845 per person per month, if stay is longer than one month.

Centro Maria Residence
539 West 54th Street, Midtown Manhattan
(212) 757-6989
Women Only

The Parkside Evangeline
18 Gramercy Park South
(212) 677-6200
Women Only, ages 18-35. Interview and $700 security deposit required.

Webster Apartments
419 West 34th Street
(212) 967-9000
Women Only. Small Singles (8x10) for $213 per week. A $50 deposit and proof of your internship are required with application.
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